Annual SFC Reunion Weekend

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Annual SFC Reunion Weekend September 22&23 Registration Form- Please Register ASAP for early bird registration discount

This event is the main fund raiser for the SFC

The SFC will be holding the Annual Football Outing Weekend during the Army vs SU Football Game, Sept 22-23. In addition to the game, we will have Lenny’s Reunion Tailgate tent by the Dome Saturday. The Zunic Award, Golf outing and new this year, RPM Three Race Electric Kart Race will be on Friday. Thursday evening there will be a Welcome Cigar and Whiskey event at Aloft Inner Harbor Hotel. If you come earlier on Thursday there will be tee times available at Drumlins and tours of the SU Football facility led by Coach Hicks. Entrants are limited so register early. Discounted pricing available till July 15th.

This year we are combining the Zunic Award Dinner and the Golf/Race Weekend Reunion. Everyone is encouraged to invite a friend or golf partner. It is a great opportunity to share your SU enthusiasm with your teammates and guests. Captain and Crew golf format. No stress, just fun and camaraderie. New this year RPM Racing. Thursday night welcome reception and Lenny’s Tailgate on game day.

  • Registration register by August 21 to guarantee shirt sizes. Register by July 15 for early registration discount.
  • Thursday SU Football facility tour / Welcome reception Aloft Hotel 7:00pm??


  • Friday: lunch, golf/Race, Zunic Award dinner
  • Saturday: Game and tailgate

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