Board Meeting Minutes Board Meeting Minutes December 14, 2021 – 4:30 p.m. Zoom Meeting
Skip Dalrymple
Jenn Conley
Jim DaRin
Barb Nesci
Chuck Boniti
Chris Williamson
Cliff Ensley
Kevin McLoughlin
Jim Jerome
Roger Praetorius
Warren Harvey
Todd Kasmer
1. Prayers/Moment of Silence
SFC President Jim DaRin brought the Zoom meeting to order at about 4:45pm with a moment of silence for former players who have recently passed away or are in need due poor health or economic distress.
2. Approval of Previous SFC Board Meeting Minutes
The draft SFC Board Meeting Minutes of November 16, 2021 were approved by the Board and are now final with the inclusion of a few minor additions.
3. Financial Information-Money in Savings and Checking Accounts – Jim Jerome
The following are the SFC financial balances; A combined checking account and saving account balance of a total of $46,173.96 for cash on hand with $23,609.80 in a checking account and $22,563.16 in a savings account.
4. Report on Football Awards Dinner
The annual end of season Football Awards Dinner was once again held at the Drumlins Country Club on Sunday December 5, 2021, after a year’s absence due to the Covid Pandemic. There was a very good turnout from SFC members and guests occupying more than 2 full tables. The SFC was for the very first time predominantly featured in the forefront of the nights program. The outgoing President Jim DaRin spoke as did our new President Warren Harvey as well as our new Vice President Keenan Hale right at the onset of the evening’s award presentations.
5. Discussion on Ring of Honor and Next Steps Forward
As per the discussions on this topic at the last meeting; it was resolved by the Board to draft a letter to AD John Wildhack suggesting the proposition of nominating Coach Ben Schwartzwalder to be included in this newly created “Ring of Honor.” Secretary McLoughlin was tasked with drafting this letter which would be reviewed by a select group and provided to the Board for approval. This draft letter was immediately completed and sent out for review and comment. All comments were included, and the newly revised draft letter is attached to these minutes (Att. 1). It was also suggested at the meeting that the letter could be signed by numerous past and current SFC Presidents.
6. Nominations for Zunic Committee Chairman and Members
As mentioned at the previous SFC Board meeting, Jim Jerome will be stepping down from his previous long term SFC positions. We are now in need of a replacement for Jim in this critically important post for the role of Zunic Award Selection Committee Chairman which involves the both the securing of qualified and worthy SFC’s Zunic nominations and then the ultimate selection of the annual Zunic Award recipient. We also need committee members to work with the new Chairman. The SFC owes a debt of gratitude to Jim for his many years of service to the Club in a variety of positions. Jim has stated that he would be available for consultation and assistance as needed.
7. Transition to New SFC Officers
Jim Darin noted that this was to be his last SFC Board Meeting as President. It Has been a tough two years served entirely within the specter of the Covid Pandemic. Numerous SFC annual social events were either cancelled or substantially cutback in time and/or attendance. Zoom meetings were initiated first out of necessity which then had the added benefit of letting Board members outside the immediate Syracuse area to participate in the Clubs activities more fully. Our new SFC President Warren Harvey and VP Keenan Hale have already scheduled zoom/telephone conference calls to introduce themselves and the SFC agenda with both AD John Wildhack and Head Football Coach Dino Babers to start their tenure off on a high note.
8. Other Topics – Open Mic
The meeting ended with discussion on the possible ramifications of resurrecting the legendary SU Football #44 out of retirement, the effects of the “Portal” on college football in general and on particularly Syracuse football recruitment and helping recent graduates (and new SFC members) in their search for meaningful employment.
9. Next Meeting
The next zoom meeting will occur on Tuesday afternoon at 4:30pm on January 18. 2022.
Prepared by Kevin McLoughlin