Final Board Meeting Minutes December 15, 2020 – 4:30 p.m.
Zoom Meeting
Skip Dalrymple
Keenan Hale
Barb Nesci
Jenna Rodgers
Jim Jerome
Brian Ishman
Jim DaRin
Lavar Lombdell
Richard Murphy
Warren Harvey
Rusty Mills
Chris Williamson
Cliff Ensley
Todd Kasmar
Kevin McLoughlin
Cameron Lynch
Leonard Campolieta
Rich Rosen
The Draft Board Meeting Minutes are as follows:
1. Prayers/Moment of Silence
SFC President Jim DaRin brought the meeting to order at about 4:40pm with a moment of silence for former players who have recently passed away or are in need due toil health.
2. Approval of Previous SFC Board Meeting Minutes
The draft Board Meeting minutes of the November 17, 2020 were accepted and approved by the attending Board Members. These minutes will now be distributed in their final version with any attachments in a PDF format to not only to all the Board members but also to the entire SFC membership as a means to continuously inform all the SFC members as to the scope of activities conducted by our organization. They will also be posted on the SFC website.
3. Financial Information-Money in Savings and Checking Accounts – Jim Jerome
Jim Jerome provided the Board with the following SFC financial balances; A combined checking account and saving account balance of $76,741.26 for cash on hand with $54,179.06 in a checking account and $22,562.20 in a savings account. This is an all-time high for the SFC.
4. SFC Meeting with SU AD John Wildhack – Jim DaRin
SFC President Jim DaRin discussed a teleconferencing meeting he had recently with Syracuse University’s Athletic Director John Wildhack that went very well. Jim mentioned and described a number of new SFC initiatives to the Athletic Director that were met with John’s enthusiastic approval. Jim also offered the SFC assistance in any way that would benefit the SU Football Program. Various possible scenarios for the upcoming 2021 football season were discussed briefly whereby the Club could assist SU in honoring various teams or individuals from more recent eras. These ideas will be flesh out in the near future with more details to follow. In addition, a forthcoming luncheon meeting with Jim and John to include Coach Babers is likewise being considered for some time when the Covid Pandemic is not an issue. One last item was the perceived need for a group of well-endowed financially capable SFC members to assemble and unite in a goal of garnering resources to sponsor the enriching of the SU football program.
5. Launch of Mentoring and Jobs Programs – Rusty Mills of Mentoring and Jobs Programs
Rusty Mills provided another update about the activities of the Task Force working on this issue. Rusty requested that members with knowledge of job opportunities to access the new SFC Website and place these notices on the Job Board. Also, all those interested in helping out younger former players in their quest for meaningful employment can go to the Networking/Mentoring site on the SFC Website and sign up for this group. In so far as reaching out to those newly graduating seniors for this Class year of 2021 a unique dilemma is present. With the NCAA ruling that all players don’t have to count this year as a year of eligibility which gives all fall sport student athletes an extra year of eligibility as well as an extra year to complete it. Not all seniors will come back for the additional year. Some will have graduated and decided to move on. Others may complete their extra year of eligibility at another program. However, in the short term it is difficult for the SFC to find out who exactly is leaving the program and is a potential candidate for mentoring.
6. Continued SFC Website Development – Skip Dalrymple
The website development is still very much an ongoing affair. Over 400 hundred former players have signed into the website but not all have completed their profiles. It was noted that about 425 former players are without up-to-date contact information. It has been suggested to have the former Captains (or other identified leader) attempt to find their missing teammates and determine if they want to be contacted by the SFC. All current and active SFC members are urged to contact old teammates and be proactive about them getting to join the SFC.
7. New Revised By-Laws – Warren Harvey
Warren is now completing his review of the comments received to the newly revised SFC By-Laws. A final version of the revised By-Laws will be forthcoming soon and will first be sent to John Cherundolo, Pete Pietryka and Richard Murphy for their final review and approval. Once approved by these three key members the By-Laws will be formally voted upon by the SFC Board.
8. Golfing with the Coaches
With the Covid 19 pandemic the 2020 Golfing with the Coaches event had to be cancelled. However, the date has now been set for 2021 affair and it is Monday June 21, 2021. This Golf Tournament will for the fourth time be held at the Tuscarora Golf Club in Marcellus, NY. Nick Marsella will once again be the Chairman for this affair as he did such a great job for the 2019 Golfing with the Coaches event. Items are needed for the auctions, particularly any Syracuse orange memorabilia. Please submit any auction items to Nick.
9. Next Meeting
The next Zoom Meeting date has been set for Tuesday January 19, 2020 (the third Thursday of each month). The meeting agenda and the Zoom information will be sent out in the days before the meeting.
Prepared by Kevin McLoughlin