Final Board Meeting Minutes October 20, 2020 – 4:30 p.m.
Zoom Meeting
Skip Dalrymple
Keenan Hale
Barb Nesci
Jenna Rodgers
Jim Jerome
Brian Ishman
Jim DaRin Lavar Lombdell
Warren Harvey
Rusty Mills
Chris Williamson
Cliff Ensley
Todd Kasmar Kevin McLoughlin Cameron Lynch
The Draft Board Meeting Minutes are as follows:
1. Prayers/Moment of Silence
President Jim DaRin brought the meeting to order at about 4:40pm with a moment of silence for former players who have recently passed away or are in need due to sickness. Prayers for Rich Steiner who is suffering with cancer are requested.
2. Approval of Previous SFC Board Meeting Minutes
The draft Board Meeting minutes of the September 15, 2020 were accepted and approved by the attending Board Members. These minutes will now be distributed in their final version with any attachments in a PDF format to not only to all the Board members but also to the entire SFC membership as a means to continuously inform all the SFC members as to the scope of activities conducted by our organization. They will also be posted on the new SFC website.
3. Financial Information-Money in Savings and Checking Accounts
Jim Jerome provided the Board with the following SFC financial balances; A combined checking account and saving account balance of $73,160 for cash on hand with $50,995 in a checking account and $22,165 in a savings account.
4. Update on Ben Schwartzwalder Veterans Memorial
Jim Jerome updated the SFC Board members on the current status of the fund. The Syracuse Football Club & Friends have a tremendous opportunity right now to make donations in support of the Captain Ben Schwartzwalder’s Hall of Honor, featured as a tribute to his heroism, in the new National Veterans Resource Center at Syracuse University. Every dollar donated will be matched up to $100K due to an anonymous former Orangeman’s generosity, and donations are tax deductible. Let’s help to honor the memory of a great old coach who parachuted into the darkness of Normandy behind enemy lines on D-Day to protect our freedoms.
5. Launch of Mentoring and Jobs Programs
Rusty Mills and Skip Dalrymple talked about their efforts to enlist older and more established SFC members to act as advisers and provide guidance for those younger former players that are still trying to find occupations in their preferred careers. It was noted once more that when players have used up their athletic eligibility they may be contacted and assisted without any risk of possible accidental NCAA regulatory violations. In the past younger players that have ended their collegiate athletic careers (mainly seniors) were personally contacted at the annual end of season Awards Dinner; were provided with Plaques and laminated SFC Membership Cards. They were also invited to attend the SFC catered meal in the Athletic Directors Suite at the Dome during the annual Spring Football Game. Additional personal contacts with these graduating seniors is being planned to both notify them of career development opportunities offered by the SFC (to coach them up) as well as to recruit new active members to the Club. Also more active engagement on the website is being developed; perhaps a job board.
6. New SFC Website Development – Skip Dalrymple
The website development is still an ongoing affair. It was noted that about 425 former players are without up-to-date contact information. One suggestion is to have the former Captains attempt to find their missing teammates and determine if they want to be contacted by the SFC.
7. New Revised By-Laws – Warren Harvey
Warren has distributed a new set of draft SFC By-Laws for review and comment. Comments should be submitted by to Warren by early November, 2020.
8. Next Meeting
The next meeting date has tentatively been set for November 17, 2020 (the third Thursday of each month).
Prepared by Kevin McLoughlin